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Safety Tips for Buying & Selling on Craigslist - Tech Mutant

Safety Tips for Buying & Selling on Craigslist

Before you can start on Craigslist it is essential to remember that there are some bad people in the world. Even though they are generally few and far between - it's often recommended to take precautions if you feel uncertain of how safe you will be in a particular situation.

While posting or purchasing on Craigslist, make sure that you follow some of these basic instructions:

Do not post your address: 

You may send your address to the concerned person who will be making the final purchase, but do not post your address on the listing itself - this may attract too many people to your courtyard. 

Get in touch with someone before you plan to meet a stranger 

If you are alone while making a purchase or sale on Craigslist, make sure that someone knows where you are. Keeping in contact will ensure your safety.

Be smart

If you are a beautiful woman who is alone at home, do not tell the guy that is purchasing your laptop to come on over. Meet him at the Walmart or at the local park where it is a public place. Do not place yourself in a private location with a stranger. If a situation seems unsafe, remove yourself from it right away.  

If you cannot meet in public, be careful

Many people are uncomfortable in coming to someone’s house. So for the benefit of both, you may set up the meeting at a common public place. However, there are scenarios when you are supposed to call someone at your home. This can be when you are selling big items like a couch or a washing machine and buyer wants to see it physically, please follow these tricks, to avoid any unwanted incident: 

- Do not close the door at the time of sale. This would ensure that you can be heard in case you are in some problem.

- Find someone (friend or relative) to be with you at the time of sale

- In case you have to be alone, try to be on the line with someone

- In case you stay in an apartment, do not disclose your apartment number initially. Just provide your address and first meet the person outside. In case you live in a house you should have the meeting outside. Remember, your life and security is important than the sale or profit of a few hundred dollars. 

Use Google Voice in place of your phone number

Using Google voice number is the most advisable option for Craigslist. The number provided to you will have an auto router set up to you current mobile number. In case you start getting unwanted calls, you have the option to block them. It is the easiest way to keep guard your privacy and retain the comfort of giving your number.

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