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13 Facts about History of Computing - Tech Mutants

13 Facts about History of Computing

Alan Turing is considered the father of Computer Science, in 1937, he published the paper "On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entsheidungsproblem".  

Beginning in 1934, Konrad Zuse, a German engineer, built a series of computers, the Z1 through Z4, utilizing binary arithmetic.

Claude Shannon is usually called the father of Information Technology. In 1948, he published "A Mathematical Theory of Communication" in the Bell System Technical Journal.

The first high-level programming language was Fortran. It was developed in 1956 by an IBM team headed by John Backus. Fortran became commercially available in 1957.

The first object-oriented language was Simula. It was develop.

1981 was the year that PCs began, when IBM debuted the IBM PC. Microsoft shipped it with BASIC. The operating system, too, was developed by Microsoft.

 The first 'computer', the steam-driven calculating machine, was built in 1823 by Charles Babbage.

Christopher Pile was sentenced to 18 months for releasing a toolkit that would boost the impact of existing viruses by randomizing their codes.  

In 1951, Jay Forrester and Robert Everett, graduate students at MIT, constructed the ' Whirlwind,' a 'real-time computer,' working at twice the speed of the ENIAC.

In 1969, computer firm Honey well released the H316 "Kitchen Computer", the first home computer, priced at $10,600. 


In 1976, the term "personal computer" first appeared in print, in the May issue of Byte Magazine. 

In 1981, while working on the original version of Microsoft's Disk Operating System (DOS), Bill Gates made a remarkable prediction: "64 0 K (of RAM) should be enough for anyone."

In 1970, Steve Wozniak played a huge prank by distributing 25,00 0 leaflets for a non-existent computer, which was later referred to as the Zaltair Hoax. 

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