19 Shocking Facts About History Of Computer
The ENIAC had 20,000 vacuum tubes and 40 racks of equipment, and ran up a daily electric bill of $60, a large amount at the time, the mid 1940s.
The first computer to perform a trillion operations per second was called the GravityPipeline.
Les Solomon, publisher of the magazine Popular Electronics, and Ed Roberts were looking for a name to release their new computer under. They finally called it the Altair.
Mitch Kapor founded Lotus Development Corp. in 1982 with Jonathan Sachs, who was instrumental in launching Lotus 1-2-3.
Founder Paul Gavin came up with the name Motorola when his company started manufacturing radios for motorcars.
In 1989, Steve Chase, Founder of the Internet Bulletin-Board System Quantum Computer Services, renamed it America Online.
Vinton Cerf Is hailed as the Father of the Internet, and earned his nickname when he co-authored, wit h Dr. Robert Kahn in 1973 , a paper that gave the world TCP and IP.
On 4 t h July, 1996, Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith launched Hotmail. In 1997, they sold it to Microsoft for an estimated price of $385 million.
AT&T Bell Labs was the first company to transmit human voice across the Atlantic, on January 25, 1915. The exercise was conducted to celebrate the opening of the Panama Canal to Alexander Graham Bell.
Paul Allen, who co-founded Microsoft with Bill Gates, is now the chairman of Vulcan Northwest, an investment firm.
Mathematician Blaise Pascal attempted automated computing as early as 1642.
In 1993, the US Department of Commerce created Inter NIC to maintain a central database to contain all registered domain names and IP addresses.
In 1998, online pornography accounted for 80 percent of all ecommerce. However, the figure has today fallen to 20 per cent.
In 1949, J Woodland and B Silver invented the bar code. It was patented in 1952 and was used commercially for the first time in 1974.
In 1971, Intel launched the world's first single-chip microprocessor, the Intel 4004 . The Pioneer 10 spacecraft used the 4004 microprocessor.
On 9th March, 2004 , the US government bought the world's biggest ever solid state disk (SSD) from Texas Memory Systems.
In August 1944, John Mauchly and Presper Eckert proposed the building of a new machine called the electronic discrete variable "S 3 automatic computer (the EDVAC). It was to become the first stored-program computer.
Niklaus Wirth developed the Pascal programming language in 1971.
1975 saw the emergence of the first word processing software, the Electric Pencil.
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