21 Fact About The History Of Computer
In 1966, Xerox invented the Telecopier-the first successful fax machine.
The floppy disk was invented in 1971.
The microprocessor was invented in 1971. The creation was considered a computer on a chip.
Cray Research Incorporated introduced the first supercomputer in 1976-the Cray 1. It could perform 240 million calculations per second.
The Apple I home computer was released in 1976.
During the same year, Ted Turner launched and implemented the first nationwide programming-via satellite.
1981: The first IBM PC is sold. Laptop computers sold to public for the first time.
The first cellular phone communication network was launched in Japan, in 1979.
Pacman, one of the most popular arcade games of all times, was released in 1980.
Time magazine named the computer the Man of the Year in 1983. The first cellular phone network was launched the same year in the US.
The Apple Macintosh was released in 1984, along with IBM PC AT.
The US government released control of the Internet in 1994, and the WWW was born.
Dr. Brent Townshend invented the 56K modem in 1996.
The first business application to go live on a stored-program computer was in November 1951 when the J Lyons company began weekly operation of a bakery valuations job.
The Z1, a pre-war electro mechanical binary computer designed by German inventor Konrad Zuse, and its blue prints, were destroyed without trace by wartime bombing during WW II.
Konrad Zuse, a construction engineer at the Henschel Aircraft Company in Berlin, developed the world's first programmable computer in 1941.
In 1843, mathematician Ada Lovelace, daughter of the poet Lord. Byron, published the first computer programs.
In 1972, Bob Metcalfe created Ethernet, a trademark of the Xerox Company.
In December, 1968, Douglas C.Engelbart, of the Stanford Research Institute, demonstrated his system of keyboard, mouse and windows at the Fall Joint Computer Conference in San Francisco's Civic Center.
The first transistorized computer was completed, the TX-O, at MIT in early 1956.
The first mechanical calculator capable of multiplication was invented by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, who also co-invented the calculus, in 1673.
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