How to Price your Items to Sell Fast & Make a Profit on Craigslist
You should keep in mind the following
things in order to sell items fast and earn
amazing profits:
1. Set a realistic price.
While setting the price, keep in mind that
irrespective of the condition of your
product, unused, box-packed or new, you
would NOT get the complete price. In
case you want to sell it quickly, chances
of even reaching close to the complete
price are remote.
The one and foremost guarantee of your product being sold quickly is its reasonable price. Few things you should consider while setting the price of your product can be:
• What would be the cost of this item in garage sales
• Check the demand of product you are planning to sell
• Search other listings/portals like eBay etc. to check the pricing of same product
After considering all the aforementioned
pointers you would be able to set an
appropriate price.
2. Provide a detailed description.
As mentioned in chapter# 2 as well, a
quality description is something which
works as a salesperson when you are not
there to physically describe your item.
All the details specified in this chapter
would give wings to your product. More
the information you include, lesser the
emails you would receive. You would
also make it very convenient for the
prospective buyers to take a decision.
Also, do not forget to include at least 2-
3 good quality pictures. If you can
include more that would be an added
3. Sell your item to the first buyer
with cash in hand.
You should remember that your reason
for being on this site is to sell and earn
profits and not to socialize. So you can
take the liberty of being bit disloyal to
prospective buyers.
Rather than giving priority to someone
who emailed you first, you may scan all
your emails and may give it to someone
who can pick it first. In this way you
would have your cash and buyer would
have his product in no time. This would
also ensure that you are not holding the
product for such a long time for someone
who is indecisive.
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